I AWOKE on Monday at 4.30am by the sound of someone trying to get into my bedroom via a small window. I awoke my husband and hearing voices the intruder was gone.

Should we tell the Police? Well there wasn’t much to tell, they are busy and under pressure, but they could put it in there records, so we rang them. Within 10 minutes a police car arrived with two police officers inside.

They looked at our CCTV which gave a good picture of the intruder, who had a distinctive jacket on.

The officers circulated a description to other officers and after making sure we were all right, left us to drive around the area.

At 9.15am a police officer arrived to take a statement and CCTV disc.

At 10am a scenes of crimes officer came round to dust our window.

We had excellent, professional attention from our police force.

So David Cameron and Theresa May, hands off our police.

J McCARTHY Glencoe Road, Littledown, Bournemouth