AS Amanda Williams’ letter of April 21 (‘Why has play area not been expanded?’) points out, Fisherman’s Walk play facility is very popular due to its beautiful location, design and proximity to a cafe and toilets. It is specifically designed for younger children, mainly toddlers through to eight to nine-year-olds. The council has a wish to extend the playground both in terms of size and the age range for which it caters. However, this is unlikely to happen for another two years. Within a short walk of Fisherman’s Walk are other local play facilities that do cater for the older children such as at Shelley Park and Seafield Gardens (the latter had a new zip wire and basket swing added last year).

The council’s playground strategy sets out our investment priorities for public play provision until 2014 and we are working hard to address some deficiencies in play provision across the borough. For example, a new facility was opened last year in Springbourne and a planning application is currently in for new facilities at Queens Park, an area that is in real need of play provision.

Over the last few years the council has made great strides to address a deficiency in facilities for older children, whilst continuing to work within our budget to repair and maintain our existing stock of 64 public playgrounds that provide a wide variation in facilities, from swings and roundabouts, through to zip wires and paddling pools.

CLLR ROD COOPER Cabinet member for tourism, leisure and culture Bournemouth Borough Council