BOURNEMOUTH’S pensioners are being treated by the government with contempt.

In 2011 the heating allowance was considerably reduced while the gas and electricity bills rose steeply. In 2012 the energy bills still rose steeply accompanied by a Granny Tax, and I believe somebody suggested deducting tax from pensions at source.

The petrol taxes means they can have fewer outings, if any at all, and the astronomic rise in stamp duty means they will have fewer letters and possible no Christmas cards this year.

We cannot expect multi- millionaires in government to understand since they can have everything they want and possibly charge to their expenses.

I suggest all pensioners who can write, phone or email deluge their constituency MP* and object to pensioner discrimination.

Keep doing it every month while you can afford a stamp and always ask for a written reply. They do not pay for stamps but will have to think of a reply.

There is no organisation or body defending us pensioners so we must act for ourselves as individuals collectively.

Those approaching pensioners age should join the Pensioner Spring as there will be nothing for them if the discrimination continues.

* Constituency MP – A person elected to protect your interests as a public servant.

MARJORIE TITCHEN A Revolting Pensioner Address supplied