I AM disappointed that your correspondent finds the wedding beach hut an eyesore. I wonder whether he visited it last summer when the area was initially set up to market the event and when people were able to see inside the marquee and hut. It really was a beautiful and romantic setting. Or has he seen one of the actual weddings that have now taken place? Many couples dream of having a beach wedding but until now they would have had to go overseas, with the high cost involved to both couples and guests. The demand for this venue far exceeds what was expected and currently there are more than 40 weddings planned for this year, with provisional bookings well into 2015. Nearly 75 per cent of the couples come from outside Bournemouth, so the economic benefit to the town is significant.

Most people enjoy seeing a wedding and visitors to our town are no exception, with many stopping to watch the event and take photos.

I suggest that your correspondent visits the area whilst one of these weddings is in progress and sees for himself the happiness of both the participants and spectators.

Bournemouth is proud to have been the first town in the country to offer this facility; we have had enquires from other councils who are considering doing the same.

CLLR ROD COOPER Cabinet Member for Tourism, Leisure & Culture, Bournemouth Council