AS Chair of Parkstone Bay Association, I can happily respond to the question 'What does the title Portfolio Holder for Public Engagement and Participation mean?'

The current holder in Poole is Cllr Judy Butt and as such has worked tirelessly towards assisting the association and residents of Baiter/ Whitecliff for protection of our open spaces. Prior to Cllr Butt's engagement with us, we were on a collision course with the council as we sought Town Green Status for protection – a very costly and bitter conflict between residents and the council.

Since we considered an alternative – Fields in Trust (FIT-strongly supported by Prince Charles), Cllr Butt has put great efforts into supporting the application. She has worked closely with the community, listened to our views, presented our case and enlisted key support within the council. As a consequence, we have recently acquired FIT Status and a naming ceremony to celebrate the award will be made on Jubilee Day (June 5) on Baiter and Whitecliff. So, many thanks to Cllr Butt – after all, a title is simply a name, but she’s made it into a mission – for the whole community.

MIKE RANDALL, Chair Parkstone Bay Association, Catalina Drive, Poole