THIS poignant poem was written by Poole’s John Palmer, in memory of his 19-year-old great grandson Ben Andrews, from Blandford, who tragically died last month in a road accident.

It was read out at his funeral and his family would like to share it with Echo readers.


Say a prayer for Ben; Say a word of comfort; For the loved ones; He will never see again

Give comfort to his mum and dad; To Mollie May, and Harry; They’re all so very sad; At the loss they ave to carry

Say a prayer, for the grandads and grannies; Who loved him, so very much; Their grief will last forever; For the boy, they will never touch

Think of all the friends he had; Say a prayer for them; Who laughed, and joked, and played with him; But will never laugh again

Everyone will miss him; That lovely boy named Ben; His presence was contagious; He was everybody’s friend

So open up your hearts, you all; And say a prayer for Ben; He’s looking down at you right now; But we know he’s walking tall

We will always love you Ben.